Recent changes

Mon, 10 December 2007
(diff) (hist)21:37Resourceupdated BPEL on IBM developerWorks website
author: rwunderlich
Tue, 4 December 2007
(comment)19:47Forum topiccomment Inner boolean functions are applied implicit by the XPath
on Implicit conversion of bpel:getVariableProperty(...) from tim.hallwyl
Fri, 30 November 2007
(comment)03:20Forum topiccomment Conversion or casting
on Implicit conversion of bpel:getVariableProperty(...) from tim.hallwyl
Wed, 28 November 2007
(comment)17:14Forum topiccomment XPath function boolean() MUST be applied
on Implicit conversion of bpel:getVariableProperty(...) from tim.hallwyl
(diff) (hist)15:58Resourcenew BPEL Learning Guidecarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)15:53Newsnew SearchSOA: Model-driven SOA emergescarolgeyer
Tue, 27 November 2007
(comment)20:57Forum topiccomment See Section 8.3
on Implicit conversion of bpel:getVariableProperty(...) from tim.hallwyl
(comment)20:54Forum topiccomment Sorry for the confusion
on What expression or query will yield a variable reference? from tim.hallwyl
(diff) (hist)10:39Forum topicnew Implicit conversion of bpel:getVariableProperty(...)tim.hallwyl
Mon, 26 November 2007
(diff) (hist)19:33Newsnew Oracle Magazine: Testing BPEL in the Real Worldcarolgeyer
Sun, 25 November 2007
(comment)16:05Forum topiccomment The XPath spcification does not allow an object
on How can the context node point to an XPath object? from tim.hallwyl
(comment)13:10Forum topiccomment Is the meaning of "variable reference" equivalent to lvalue?
on What expression or query will yield a variable reference? from tim.hallwyl
Sat, 24 November 2007
(comment)21:00Forum topiccomment I think the spec is pretty clear in this case.
on How can the context node point to an XPath object? from tim.hallwyl
(comment)20:44Forum topiccomment Expressions will not yield a
on What expression or query will yield a variable reference? from tim.hallwyl
Thu, 22 November 2007
(diff) (hist)08:28Forum topicnew What expression or query will yield a variable reference?tim.hallwyl
(diff) (hist)08:11Forum topicnew How can the context node point to an XPath object?tim.hallwyl
Tue, 20 November 2007
(diff) (hist)21:36Productupdated IBM WebSphere® Integration Developer rwunderlich
(diff) (hist)21:35Productupdated IBM WebSphere® Process Serverrwunderlich
Tue, 13 November 2007
(diff) (hist)21:46Resourceupdated Delivering "Big Bank" Solutions with Community Banking Intimacy: Synovus Financial Corp and Active Endpoints
author: aei-bpel
(diff) (hist)00:59Productupdated Red Hat: JBoss jBPMaguizar
Tue, 6 November 2007
(diff) (hist)14:55Productnew Progress Software: Sonic BPEL Server 7.5jmeritt
Fri, 2 November 2007
(diff) (hist)14:06Wiki pageupdated EDIcarolgeyer
Thu, 1 November 2007
(diff) (hist)21:42Productupdated Active Endpoints: ActiveBPEL Designer
author: aei-bpel
(diff) (hist)14:03Book pageupdated How to share user experiences on this sitecarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)14:01Pageupdated Contribute contentcarolgeyer
Wed, 31 October 2007
(diff) (hist)11:30Resourcenew BPEL Training Coursepabriscoe
(diff) (hist)11:10Productnew Cape Clear Software Inc.: Cape Clear 7.5 ESBpabriscoe
Tue, 30 October 2007
(diff) (hist)14:25Wiki pageupdated Service Component Architecture (SCA)carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)13:23Productupdated IDS Scheer AG: ARIS SOA Architect
author: stein
Mon, 29 October 2007
(diff) (hist)12:53Wiki pagenew What is the difference between Orchestration Choreography?carolgeyer
Sat, 27 October 2007
(diff) (hist)00:02Forum topicupdated Would WS-BPEL work with RESTful Web services?carolgeyer
Fri, 26 October 2007
(diff) (hist)22:54Forum topicupdated What are the requirements for Web services participating in a BPEL process? carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)22:02Book pageupdated Link to this sitejmarquez
Thu, 25 October 2007
(diff) (hist)21:15Resourceupdated OASIS WS-BPEL TC mailing list archivescarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)20:58Resourceupdated Design Goals of the BPEL4WS Specificationcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)20:43Forum topicupdated Does WS-BPEL 2.0 support Xpath 2.0 and/or XSLT 2.0?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)20:40Forum topicnew Where does WS-Addressing fit into a correlation scenario?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)20:39Forum topicnew Can fault handlers and compensation handlers apply at a more detailed level than a scope?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)20:38Forum topicnew What are the best practices to map WS-BPEL’s request/response paradigm to asynchronous request response web services?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)20:34Forum topicnew How does WS-BPEL handle human tasks?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)20:33Wiki pageupdated BPMNcarolgeyer
Tue, 23 October 2007
(diff) (hist)19:57Book pagenew Related specificationscarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)19:56Book pagenew BPEL Standardizationcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)19:56Book pagenew BPEL Communitycarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)19:55Book pagenew Working with BPELcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)19:54Book pageupdated Capabilities of BPELcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)14:24Resourceupdated A Hands-on Introduction to BPELcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)14:14Resourceupdated PSI Uses BPEL for State-Subsidized Health Insurance Programcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)14:06Resourceupdated Using BPEL Process Descriptions for Building up Strategic Models of Inter-Organizational Networkscarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)13:58Resourceupdated A Comparison between Incremental Composition and BPEL carolgeyer Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I