Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
Conflicting Receive010 years 10 weeks ago
by faridasabry
Quick Question: Yes or No?010 years 21 weeks ago
by GEEKoftheARTS
Quick Question: Yes or No?010 years 21 weeks ago
by GEEKoftheARTS
Differences between BPEL and WS-BPEL013 years 21 weeks ago
by Emma
FTP Adapter014 years 2 days ago
by ganga prasad
Does WS-BPEL 2.0 support Xpath 2.0 and/or XSLT 2.0?016 years 4 weeks ago
by carolgeyer
Can fault handlers and compensation handlers apply at a more detailed level than a scope?016 years 4 weeks ago
by carolgeyer
What are the best practices to map WS-BPEL’s request/response paradigm to asynchronous request response web services?016 years 4 weeks ago
by carolgeyer
What are the requirements for Web services participating in a BPEL process? 016 years 4 weeks ago
by carolgeyer
What is the difference between Orchestration and Choreography?016 years 5 weeks ago
by carolgeyer
Do I need to know programming languages like C# or Java to model business process using WS-BPEL?016 years 5 weeks ago
by carolgeyer
parallel flows not initiating parallely115 years 3 weeks ago
by vikrem_sp
14 years 32 weeks ago
by raaji
Building BPEL with webservices using Cookie for Session Management115 years 13 weeks ago
by f2002455
15 years 12 weeks ago
by b.eckenfels
Would WS-BPEL work with RESTful Web services?116 years 4 weeks ago
by carolgeyer
15 years 40 weeks ago
by markford
Where does WS-Addressing fit into a correlation scenario?116 years 4 weeks ago
by carolgeyer
15 years 40 weeks ago
by dieterkoenig
How does WS-BPEL handle human tasks?116 years 4 weeks ago
by carolgeyer
15 years 40 weeks ago
by markford Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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