Diff for SOA and WS-BPEL

10. March 2008 - 15:22 by carolgeyer10. March 2008 - 15:23 by carolgeyer
Changes to Description
This online tutorial guide for anyone wanting to start building
This online tutorial guide for anyone wanting to start building Service-Oriented Architecture applications using powerful, free tools explains in detail how to build and deploy them by creating Web Services with PHP, combining them into SOAs with WS-BPEL using free ActiveBPEL Designer, and deploying composite WS-BPEL-based orchestrations to the open-source ActiveBPEL engine. Unlike many books on SOA, it is not focused on architecture, but discusses practical aspects of SOA and WS-BPEL development with many examples, showing you how to apply architecture in practice. In SOA, Web Services are part of a business process determining the logical order of Service Activities - logical units of work performed by one or more services. Today the most popular tool for organizing service activities into business processes is WS-BPEL. A graphical WS-BPEL tool like ActiveBPEL Designer can significantly simplify defining a business process with WS-BPEL.
Service-Oriented Architecture applications using powerful, free tools
explains in detail how to build and deploy them by creating Web
Services with PHP, combining them into SOAs with WS-BPEL using free
ActiveBPEL Designer, and deploying composite WS-BPEL-based
orchestrations to the open-source ActiveBPEL engine. Unlike many books
on SOA, it is not focused on architecture, but discusses practical
aspects of SOA and WS-BPEL development with many examples, showing you
how to apply architecture in practice. In SOA, Web Services are part of
a business process determining the logical order of Service Activities
- logical units of work performed by one or more services. Today the
most popular tool for organizing service activities into business
processes is Web Services Business Process Execution Language
(WS-BPEL). A graphical WS-BPEL tool like ActiveBPEL Designer can
significantly simplify defining a business process with WS-BPEL
Current revision:


This online tutorial guide for anyone wanting to start building Service-Oriented Architecture applications using powerful, free tools explains in detail how to build and deploy them by creating Web Services with PHP, combining them into SOAs with WS-BPEL using free ActiveBPEL Designer, and deploying composite WS-BPEL-based orchestrations to the open-source ActiveBPEL engine. Unlike many books on SOA, it is not focused on architecture, but discusses practical aspects of SOA and WS-BPEL development with many examples, showing you how to apply architecture in practice. In SOA, Web Services are part of a business process determining the logical order of Service Activities - logical units of work performed by one or more services. Today the most popular tool for organizing service activities into business processes is WS-BPEL. A graphical WS-BPEL tool like ActiveBPEL Designer can significantly simplify defining a business process with WS-BPEL.

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