CTO Tuesdays, 4/13: Using REST with business processes

Join Active Endpoints CTO Michael Rowley tomorrow, April 13, for his weekly technical talk CTO Tuesdays at 12pm EDT / 9am PDT / 16:00 UTC. Register at http://www.activevos.com/ctot. This week's topic is "Using REST with business processes."

REST has become a popular style of creating applications in a services-oriented environment. Rowley will provide an easy-to-understand overview of REST and show examples of its use. Register at http://www.activevos.com/ctot.

Technologies discussed on "CTO Tuesdays" cover a wide variety of BPM technologies, including BPMN 2.0, process modeling tools, BPEL, execution engines, AJAX-based forms development and human task integration.

For more info, visit http://www.activevos.com

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