How to evaluate simply type element in complex type?

For example I define a complex type in schema like:

  <xsd:complexType name="tComplex">
      <xsd:element name="boolElement" type="xsd:boolean"/>

And I have some variable/property define in BPEL and WSDL like:

<variable name="complexVar" type="tComplex">

<variable name="simplyVar" type="xsd:boolean>

<vprop:property name="boolProp" type="xsd:boolean" />

<vprop:propertyAlias propertyName="boolProp" type="xsd:boolean">

Can some one tell me what is the expected result of follow condition expression and why? I am current confuse by it.






thanks a lot in advance.

Henry Wang

I think the first and last condition will return a element, not the content. Not sure how that evaluates, I guess false?

I think all of the others should evaluate to true.

What results are you seeing with which implementation? Can you provide a full BPEL instance for download?


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